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An illumination of love within

 Thank you Donna for everything! 

Donna is an incredibly gentle and kind-spirited person. The wisdom and perspective she offers is healing - not to mention the contemplative healing of the Reiki itself!

Admittedly, I was skeptical before my first session. However, Donna puts you at ease on arrival and allows you to trust the process and put any doubt aside. 
I was in a pretty hard place prior to starting Reiki with Donna, and this has been a very important and transformative process that has, without exaggeration, changed my life for the better. 
I would recommend this service to anyone that needs pause in their life, evaluation - be it physical, mental, emotional or spiritual - with particular recommendation to the skeptics!”
Luka Ćirilović

 (Лука Ћириловић)

 I encourage everyone to go and see Donna if you are looking for some inner healing, energy realignment or just in need of some balance.  Donna has a beautiful studio which instantly makes you feel relaxed and open to the goodness of what Reiki has to offer, and I’ve had many a session where the person that walked in vs the person walking out are very different.  I have been lucky to have been her client for some time and her calm, patient approach has helped me enormously through some challenging situations both professionally and personally.

For anyone curious about Reiki and what it offers, I really recommend a session with Donna.

 KJJ. Auckland NZ.

 Reiki has helped me maintain balance and strength though some of my most challenging times. It is deeply relaxing to a level that I am not able to experience in any other situation.
Donna has a caring and pragmatic approach and wealth of life experience. She is patient, kind and knowledgeable. 

 Lauren. NZ.


 I have been having Reiki Healing Sessions with Donna for nearly 18 months and have felt the benefit of the results since the very first session. Upon entering Donna’s clear and calm treatment space, (whether Face to Face or Distant Healing), I feel present and at peace. When talking to Donna, she exudes empathy and compassion, and has the ability to reflect and intuitively verbalise what I’m feeling. During the treatment I experience shifts within my energy field, and benefit afterwards from the elevation of my energy levels, reduced stress and anxiety, an enhanced sense of well-being and a deeper spiritual connection. I have recommended Donna to friends, and she has made a positive impact on all of our lives. ❤️

 Robyn Hynds. Auckland NZ


 Donna is genuinely caring, non judgemental, full of empathy and so wise. When I began seeing Donna I was deeply confused, lost and overwhelmed. The Reiki and communication I received from her connected me to strong and supportive energy that invited clarity, mental and physical comfort and independence back into my life. I'm so grateful for everything she has to offer and I would highly recommend her as a healer.

 Maya. Auckland NZ.


 I started seeing Donna for Reiki as I needed to feel more grounded, in control, and peaceful. The change I feel in all aspects of my life is remarkable, my energy, mental well-being and happiness level have all improved. I look forward to every session I have with her. I have many friends and family (aged 14-83 years) whom I have recommended see Donna for Reiki, and every one, without fail, has felt positive change after their first Session or two. Highly recommended to anyone wanting to improve their quality of life!

 Maria. NZ.



 Hearing about Reiki, and Donna as Reiki Master, was in connection with the possibility of relieving the lingering pain from my badly damaged right shoulder, which, over a year later still needed very strong pain medication.

After a couple of Reiki Sessions with Donna (and an open mind) I discovered the connection between my imbalanced energy field and my lingering injury.

As the sessions progressed, the need for pain meds became less frequent, and has now stopped completely. Having my energy balanced, and the effects it has had on my mental and physical wellbeing is obvious to me. 

While the lifting of the burden of pain was a great relief and quite remarkable, the absolutely amazing thing is that this was all happening with me on an island in the Caribbean and my Reiki Master thousands of miles away in New Zealand.  Clearly energy, as I now understand it . . . has no boundaries! 

 D. The Caribbean.

 My daughter passed away just after her birth last year and I knew I needed deep healing from the pain and trauma. The Reiki Sessions with Donna were exactly right. Reiki unblocked my energy and calmed me, allowing me to release the pent up sadness. During the Reiki Sessions I was aware of my daughter's energy which was very comforting. Before each session, Donna speaks with you about what is going on in your life, how you’re feeling, offering tools and possible solutions on how to deal effectively with these situations and issues. All of this combined was the perfect guidance for me to grieve in a healthy way. 

 My second pregnancy shortly after was an unnerving time. As I continued with Reiki I continued to experience the energy of my daughter in my Sessions which really reassured me. I felt calm and clearheaded after each Session. Donna offered a Session for my baby son after he was born and he and he took it all in so well! A bit wriggly at the start but as soon as he lay on the therapy bed he locked eyes with Donna and just lay there calmly smiling. Donna really connected with him. 

 I could not recommend and thank Donna enough for helping me on this crazy, scary, exciting journey I’ve been on the past couple of years. 

 Tayla. Auckland, NZ.

 I started Reiki earlier this year before I went on a big life changing journey. I felt I needed help to navigate my emotions and remove all anxiety and fears that were surfacing. When I began Reiki Distant Healing Sessions with Donna (who is in NZ and I am in Florida), I was nervous at this newness, but my Reiki Master Donna assured me I would begin to feel a sense of calm and clarity. By about the 3rd session I experienced joy and peace. Excitement was released, and all my fears dissipated. Reiki opened my heart to accepting the joy I had prevented from flowing, through the fears and anxiety.

 Thank you Donna for opening my heart and mind to this form of healing. I am eternally grateful to you for changing my life.
 H. Florida, USA.

 Reiki was a such blissful way for me to heal after my surgery. It deeply relaxed me, eased my pain, and helped to bring back clarity of mind after all the meds. Donna explained that Reiki goes directly to the places where it is most needed, connecting and healing body mind and spirit. When you find the right Reiki Master you absolutely let go of any skepticism you may have had about energy and distance.  it’s phenomenal how Reiki works so effectively through space and time


 JL. Sydney Australia.

 I found Donna after years of battling with stress, anxiety and burnout, especially after Covid. It took one Session to see the benefit of Reiki and I have been seeing her ever since. I’ve found it helps me connect to my higher self and reduces stress. I highly recommend Donna to anyone, but especially anyone in a high stress or high performance job.


 C. Auckland, NZ.

 I have been fortunate to have a number of Reiki sessions with Donna, both in person and over the telephone. Like many people, at my first session I didn't know what to expect, but Donna put me at ease straight away and made me feel very comfortable. Every Reiki experience will be different for each individual and I have had many different experiences. What I enjoy most is the feeling of calm and peacefulness that I get from my sessions. Donna also puts protective energy around me, which makes me feel safe. I love debriefing with Donna afterwards about what I felt and what she felt during my session. The minute you are around Donna you can feel what a beautiful soul she is and my time in Reiki with Donna is very special to me.

 Annette Woodroffe. Auckland NZ

 I have  always admired Donna’s natural ability to connect and inspire others by her very presence. During my Reiki sessions with Donna her skills  were taken to  a whole new level.  At each session I felt completely relaxed, very comfortable and in extremely safe hands. Donna’s  intuitive use of energy, coupled with her Reiki skills allowed me to let go,  trust the process and be revitalised.

 Ange. Auckland NZ

 I didn’t know much about Reiki before my first session with Donna, but I can only describe it as a transformational experience, with a weight being lifted and feeling of peace which lasts for hours and days after the session.
It is something I will continue to do and I have told my close friends and family to try for themselves.


 Michael. Auckland, NZ.



 I have known Donna for over 6 years and first met her in her Corporate life. She was such an amazing person to deal with and always full of kindness and positivity. I admired her calm, confident and caring ways so was absolutely thrilled to have her as my Reiki Master. Having had Reiki in the past as a healing modality I was very keen to have Sessions with Donna, and I was right to be, as I can truely say the Session left me in a state of calm bliss. During Covid lockdowns I decided to do Distance Healing Sessions and was so delighted to be left with the exact same feelings of calmness and balance. I would set up at home as when in the clinic situation and can honestly say it was outstanding. The Distance Healing Sessions were as powerful as my usual ‘face to face’ sessions in Donna’s Practice Room. 


 Irena Sorensen. Auckland, NZ.

 I have had several Reiki Sessions with Donna that were enlightening! Donna is so caring, calm and clear. I always leave feeling invigorated, refreshed and empowered.

 Dr Catherine Stone. Auckland, NZ.

 I can recommend Donna as a highly empathetic healer with the gift of understanding and being able to translate this understanding into the perfect Reiki treatment that begins your healing journey. She has a gift that you feel from the first moment you speak with her through to the remarkable Reiki healing that she does which develops your wellness and health. I highly recommend Donna as a very wise investment in your wellness, your resilience, and in your happiness. 


 Terry McCloy. Auckland, NZ.

 Whilst visiting New Zealand from the UK, on the recommendation of my son, also a client, I booked a session of Reiki with Donna. I have to say it was of the best decisions I have ever made.

I had both an in person, and a remote session, and it was the most wonderful experience, very hard to put into words. In each session my experience was different but nonetheless fascinating.

Donna is a wonderful person, friendly, calm and very reassuring. She is extremely insightful, explaining my experiences and helping me to interpret them.

I have had several more remote sessions with Donna since returning to the UK and I have recommended Donna to several of my friends and family who have all been delighted with their experience of Reiki with Donna.

I now have a sense of purpose which I was lacking. My sleep has improved and I feel more positive and much more calm in general. My experience with Reiki and Donna has changed my perspective and improved my life for the better in so many ways.

I could not recommend Donna highly enough.


 Joe Forshaw. UK.


 We booked Donna for a Group Reiki Session for our team at Virtual Resources.  For me personally, the Session left me feeling calm and relaxed with a clear mind.  I found her to be very insightful when talking through the experiences of the group.  She also has a lovely presence which sets people at ease.


 Lisa ~ Virtual Resources Group, Auckland, NZ.


 The Group Reiki Session that members of our team had with Donna was a truly unique experience that relaxed my whole being.


 Anonymous ~ Virtual Resources Group, Auckland, NZ.


 I was recently part of a Reiki Group Session with my co-workers.  At first, I was a little apprehensive but Donna, our Reiki Master, immediately made us feel at ease.  In the past, I have often found it difficult to relax in group activities but with Donna’s expert guidance and calming aura, I was able to fully switch off from my surroundings and co-workers and just enjoy the Reiki journey!  After the experience, I felt calmer, more grounded and a lot of my anxieties had dissipated. I was truly ‘WOWED’ by how light I felt and especially loved that Donna spent time reflecting on each of our own individual and unique Reiki journeys and what that meant for each of us.  Thank you, Donna, for opening my mind to Reiki and being so gentle with us!


 KJ ~ Virtual Resources Group, Auckland, NZ.

 I was lucky to be gifted several remote Reiki Sessions with Donna before a big operation. The Sessions were so helpful in bringing me out of my head and worries and into my body, with felt sensations of ease, spaciousness, and lightness. At a very stressful time in my life, Reiki with Donna helped me to feel deeply supported energetically and spiritually, enabling me to surrender to my situation. 

 Donna performed remote Reiki on me when I was in hospital just before my surgery commenced. I felt immensely supported and comforted by this, at ease, even relaxed and I was able to drift off calmly. I had a smooth surgery and complication free recovery. Reiki helped me to be open and trust that I am supported and things will work out, which I believe contributed to my recovery. I have endless gratitude to Donna for helping me to navigate this time.


 Kate M. Auckland, NZ.

 It was a true honour to be part of the Reiki Retreat led by Donna at Castaways Resort and experience Donna's intuitive skills as a Reiki Master. I certainly gained more than I would ever have expected. Donna gave me an experience of positive change and insight that will be everlasting.

Thank you for living into your gift. It is an inspiration. 

 Jody. Auckland, NZ.

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